Sometimes thebest concealed carry holster is not always a holster. Many people prefer to conceal their firearm in a handbag or type of clothing. Depending on where you are going or the type of activities you will be participating in on a particular day, you will most likely need different purse styles. Here at Master of Concealment, we have the idealwomen’s concealed carry purse for everyone. When going to the range, we have aconcealed carry backpack to make it easier to carry your handguns.

With many different styles of handbags to choose from, the team at Master of Concealment wants you to love the one you pick to carry your firearm in because you will be carrying it every day. Our vast selection of concealed carry purses will help you select one that matches your personal style, so you can feel confident and stylish.

Browse our courier bag selection below to find the ideal one for you to carry every day.

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